Annual Report

TC Sample

TC Sample


  • AMTJPS/ 2023-24/ Cir no: 18                                                                                                                                                                    04.07.2023

    Dear Parent,

    Greetings from AMT Jain Public School!

    Recommendation to reduce the weight of the school bag:

    During Parent Orientations that were held in the month of June & July 2023, one of the concerns that parent raised was regarding the weight of school bag.

    In order to reduce the same, the school has come up with the following suggestions.

    • Work books, Homework, Music, Art, PT, Library and Test note books will be retained in school and will be given home if homework is given.


    • To reduce the bag load further, it is recommended that parents can choose to divide the textbooks into chapter / chapters and soft bind it.


    • Recommendations (for division of text books) for different subjects will be posted by the subject teachers in the respective Google classroom by Wednesday (05.07.2023). If feasible, parents can choose to follow the same.


    •  As teachers complete a chapter, it will be updated in GCR and the child can bring next chapter textbook assigned by the teacher.


    • If the chapters are placed continuously, the last page of the chapter can be photocopied and soft binding can be done.

    Parent Group:

    We at AMTJPS firmly believe in the power of Parental involvement and recognize the positive impact it can have on our student’s educational experience. Parents those who are interested can volunteer themselves to be a part of our Parent Group.

    You can show your area of interest in various activities like coordinating extracurricular activities, providing support inside the classroom and for extended learning.

    If you are interested in becoming a part of the Parent Group, please fill in the below Google form and submit on or before 14.07.2023 (Friday). We will keep you posted for  the further plan of action.

    Thank you

